Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dimana hendak ku luahkan segala perasaan lagi kalau tidak di moralle blogspot ni....lama rasanye ku biarkan ia tidak bertuan.........I tried to update but I just dont hv that motivations that I used to have before.

Apakan lagi untuk menjenguk kesana kemari, menziarahi blog frens yg ku sayangi......hai lah, when will the time comes for me to get back on track.

Sumtimes when the urged to blog is there, I log-in, post an entry than save it in the will be in the draft folder for few days, I will log-in again and delete all.............why cant I be like before, blogging was once my passions, my daily must to do to make sure its updated, but now its just gone without knowing why...............can someone tell me why........or do I hv the answer myself. I just loose that interest, but deep in my heart I felt something, its just not me.

I laughed, I smiled, does that means I am feeling happy........can I show the unhapiness in me, may be now I can pretend, but how long can it last...............not for long I dont think so.

There are times that I told myself, why I made this decisions, what happened to the real me, the real person who is strong enough to stand on her own feet, be herself, act rational, do not hesitate, dont turn back..............where is that person now????????????

Di sebalik ketenangan dan ape yg aku hadapi serta alami sekarang, I sometimes felt that I am not being truthful to myself, I am hurting myself and without realizing it dalam diam aku dapat merasakan kesedihan dan tanda tanye yg tak terungkap lagi...........and I do realized that this will hurt me more, akan memakan diri ku sendiri.

Haruskan ada peluang lagi untuk ku, untuk kami, atau ini semua adelah kepura-puraan semata dari kedua pihak yg hanya memikirkan tentang kebahgian orang-orang di sekelilingnye.............

N now I can only hope......................

"Love is built on hope. Sure it is filled with risk and with disappointment, but it is still something that gives your life a greater meaning."


Che Mat said...

oh my.. sungguh dalam maksud yg tersirat.. I pray that you'll find the strength that you're looking for.. ameeeeen.

Moralle said...

che mat.....thanks insyaallah :), oh btw nice meeting u n CT on Saturday....

mummysyafie said...

sis..cantik berbaju merah

apa pun..take care erkk.

Moralle said...

mummysyafie....thanks sis :)

Sis Lin said...

mar..tak terkata betapa jauh di lubuk dlm hati,tersimpannye senyuman mar tu,tp di luarnya,hanya ukiran senyuman saja..hanya yg melaui dn merasai je dpt memahami...

lin harap mar tabah walau dlm apa jua situasi,be strong dan jgn mudah mengalah pd cinta...

lily lotus said...

be strong sis..take care!

CT Delima said...

My dear mar...

ct tak terucap bila membaca luahan hati mar ni.Sedih hati seorang wanita bila hadapi semua nya ini. Ct harap mar banyak2 bersabar dan berdoa selalu.Take care dear.. miss you so much !

Lily Ash Burn... said...

As Salam Kak,

Whatever obstacles that's coming into our way, life has to go on... It hurts to be hurt... Yeah, I know... Coz I too have a scar that I can never erase from my memory... Mmg saket... Hanya kpd Dia la kite meminte perlindungan n pertolongan. Stay strong K Kak... Allah made us women, emotionally strong in many ways... Insya'allah, you'll pull thru... =) Amin...