Ni lah putera ku, kalau sihat, cute sungguh sampai tak ingat orang posing. Now he is sick, down with fever, dah 3 days. Posing ngan Winnie tu mak nye yg suruh, tapi jadi gak dia. Yesterday night sampai mak nye tak leh sleep, his fever was high all the time, tidur pun tak nyenyak, tidur-tidur ayam. Plus today dah 2 days i tak tidur nyeyak, dah betul betul cam zombie kampong pisang, hehehe. But the good news is, my sis told me he is energetic again today, fever dah subside, n umi nye pun (my sis) dah stress balik, "sorry umi, u lah my sister dunia akhirat uuuuuuuu" pada sapa lah adik mu ini mintak pertolongan kalau bukan dari mu, hehehehe. Hope my niece will serve my blog and let her mum read this, so touchyyyyyyyyyyyyy kan.
Work is as normal, bz memanjang, from morning baru ni nak rest jap sambil update my post for today, nanti dah bz pulak. After this blogging, ade task yg besor that I need to do which my boss need the update by 4pm, boleh gitu, suka-suka dia lah pulak, ingat I ni robot kot. Ni lah dia kan, if kite makan gaji, we have to do what people ask us to do, even though kita dont like it ): Nanti tak bikin tak dapat gaji pulak, haiiiiiiii kalau lah rezki mengizinkan, nak jugak I bukak bz sendiri, jadi boss sendiri, wakakakaka. When yaaaaaaaaa ??????????? ):
Well I am looking forward to this wkend, celebrating my daughter 13th bday, me anak branak je, no celebration, had decided to bring her out for shopping to make her enjoy her bday. Hopefully Aqil will be totally alrite by than, so that we can go out and enjoy our wkend.
Olriteeeeeee, now going for quick lunch jap than will continue with my work at the same time continue surfing :) if tak abis work by 4pm, buat bodohhhh je lah.