Ya Allah.................really felt so angry at this moment..........since tak leh nak jerit sekuat hati, I sign-in to my blog and luah kan perasaan kat sini jer dari terpendam menjadi bara api yg membuak-buak.
I was so angry, piss-off and sad at the same time. My heart pumping very hard right now, dup dap dup dap................relaxssssssssssss....amik medications dulu, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh but stilllllllllllllll I'm sooooooooooooo piss-of right now.
Some people are so ci???, laknat betul ah, they felt so happy after scolding, giving sarcastics words to people, happy they managed to make my life miserable for the rest of the day today, sial kan....................
U think I sit here doing nothing, makan gaji buta, u think u r so big, so great, u r just another sampah masyarakat yg tak bermoral, bloody idiot, stupid idiot, hope yr life will be miserable forever n ever and should u die faster lagi better.
How lucky I am to be born a muslim, sebagai seorang muslim, ader jugak kesabaran dalam diri kita, bertolak ansur dan yg lebih mulia penuh dengan keimanan di jiwa.........AMINNNNNNNN
sabar kak sabar...
istiqfar banyak2...
la hai sis...byk2 beristigfar k..
meh i kebaboom kat sapa yg kacau u tu...
but by all means...lepas jek gewam u kat sini :D
bagus sis luah kan je..
tapi sabau je ye..
sabar sis sabar. Breath in....breath out...breathin..breath out.
sabar eh kak..
ako, selagi leh sabar lah ni yang ...
rasp, tu lah dia, nasib baik gak ader blog, if not i gewam kat blog orang pulak...
attys, insyaallah masih leh besabar, cuma mulut jer ni tak sabar sis...
raf, rasa cam nak ilang breath tau sis, menci sangat...
ceera, thanks laling ...
lega tak u dah all-out kat sini..sapelah manusia bengong itu..semoga dia terima hukuman setimpal dgn perbuatan
Kak Moralle,
I paham apa yang you rasa sebab my line of work...dealing with stress can make people go harsher...And I pung kengkadang takut...I pung maybe akan jadik macam tu.
sabor sis... marah tul nie... tarik napasssss kuokan.... tarik napasss kuokan.... puhhhhh jampi2 sket manusia shil***t tuh sopaya jadik better person in future..
selalunya lepas lepas geram, kemarahan tu akan reda... so harap sis dah reda skang ni kan...?
yes, itulah gunanya blog ni...
totally piss off ni...
chil2... relaks...
ishh kenapa tu mar...marah betul tu,..aduhh sabo2 ye mar...sabo itu separuh dr iman....
Some pple soooooooo sarcastic..
Longggg holiday already!!! let them scream, one ear in one ear out ah..
rillys, lega sikit jugak lah sis, kalau bleh nak scream kat their ears, hehe...
zie, susah kan if ader orang camni, hmmmm....
ps, kalau boleh bomohkan, eeeee i do it, dosa mau ingat jugak seyyy...
afkarz, betul tu sis :)
dila, gerammmmm sangat, but tu lah, nak kenek relakskan minda gak...
sis lin, thanks sis...
mat, hw I wished I can slept that person left n right........n also that other person left, right, front n back, than I can yehaaaaaaaa....
you need help on the slapping? Nadh can do a good job...sure he rabak! hehehe
i know how u feel dear coz i faced the same problem as well. the most idiotic remark that they gave me and my another colleague was, u've worked here longer than the rest, dun tell cannot do or cannot find"...... mmg %$#@* betul ler.
it's always both of us kena. dahtu suka bad mouth on us stating we sit on things, we always take toilet breaks.....betul2 "kimaks" tau....(sori for my bad language tapi mmg frustrated ler).
orang baru sumer suka elak stating they r new, dunno anything....so the ball bounced to our court!!!!
bila comes to appraisal, both of us mcm diharamkan to get A.....damn IDIOT!!!!!
everyday both of us mendoakan supaya these unscrupulous people diberi balasan yg setimpal dari Allah...InsyaAllah. Ameen.
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