Salam Friday, wkends are here again..........I'm still in the mood of telling stories about my diet with the HS........
After two weeks of taking it.............this is wat happened..........uols nampak tak...hrmmmm......the best shot I took to prove that it really works for me.....
The jeans I'm wearing today used to b macam sarung nangka but now sila jeling yerrrr.....
c....dah ader allowance.....
n can uols c hw loose it is, before that sangatlah ketat...
Oh rasp, if u r reading this, can u c what I c.........I ni peminat setia u k :):)
hahahahahahaha, juling2 mata nak cari apa bendanya tapi at last i c i c...tapi yg i lagi c is u losing weight!!! jeles..nak gak aaaa sis!
ps : i pun peminat setia u tau..
wahahaha, I also c what I am supposed to c kat background tu!
Kak, first time I tried HS tadi, but by 10 am, I dah lapar, terbalik pulak dgn apa yg you experience! hahaha
rasp,hahaha....sila jangan jeles, sebab u pun bleh jugak...makanlah HS....same-same lah kiter kan...
sm, sis u ate before breakfast kan, u will feel hungry after taking it,.....u makan than u c after that hw it is.....tapi kan, u dah kurus perrrr...u makan pun tak worrylah....still slim....cuma will make u maintain gitew ....
fuyoooo...kurus dh tu,sikit2 pun lama2 krg jgk kan..lin mkn HL,so far oke la,hege je mahal..yg ni how much mar?....
Sodeska? Mcm interesting gitu kan? Hmmm... Let me see... My pre-marriage weight is 58kg... Den pregnant 1st one tros naik 97kg den drop to around 66kg... Den pregnant 2nd one weight naik lagi to 86kg... Den drop to 64kg sampai la skarg... Nak turon2 pon tk bole... Fed up tau!! Boo hoo hoo...
ahaks! keep on dieting sis! abislah awek2 cun kat spore nun...tergugat sudehhh
salam kenal ..
Suka baca blog u ..
dulu pembaca senyap skrg tak nak ...
Nak kenal2...
so tukar2 link boleh ....
Tima kasih
Wow sis i da jeles ngn u nih. Nak jgk la try. alahai nmpk gayanya u pnya product bkesan dlu lah. Ish mane i nk cari the same product yg same dgn u kt germany nih. eiii jeles2 :-(
salam sis mar..wah sis sdh berjaya mencapai target..atty je lom lagi nie.
lin, mudah-mudahan...
ummi, tak per lah sis, janji abang sayang kan...
rillys, haha tak der makna tau sis :)
cybermummy, of course u can, I pun pernah lorrr jenguk yr blog, cuma belum bersuara, malu gitew, hehehe...lets link ya...
amy, sila jeles okay, hahaha..sowie lawak jer kan...
attys, i can u pun sure can, yok diet yok...
waahhhh sluar dh ketat ek?! hebat HS tu ye..keep on dieting yeah..
fulamakkk.. best ni.. udah makin slimmm
mrs taj, yup yup...
ps, ok ler sis..hehe..
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