Back in the office means lots of works to do, dont like it at all ): dah lah cuaca today so cold, I tak bawak sweater to the office, shawl pun tak der, sudah ku buang kerana koyak, anyone out there want to buy me a new shawl, hahaha.........ape kes ni mintak-mintak orang shawl kan, sila abaikan yer.
Anyway yesterday I berdating with my FIL, oh not only me, hubby n my other BIL pun follow jugak.
FIL need to c specialist to check his arm, maklumlah orang dah berumur, according to doctor he is suffering from frozen bones ???????????????? bones pun bleh frozen. Macam-macam hal kan....and according to doc, it will only cure within 6 mths time. Pain will be worst within 3 mths than will subside and gone after the 3rd mths, thats it. Its common sickness for elderly people, well hopefully lah, mudah-mudahan my FIL will get better and sembuh, insyaallah.
So after everything finished, we went to Bukti Merah for lunch than went to Toy R Us at Forum, for what???????? apelagi, my promised to Aqil belum di tunaikan..........oh Aqil decided to change to Optimus Prime instead of we bought for him Optimus Prime, oppsssssss not we, but hubby, "sorry darling, since we went together-gether, u lah bayarkan" :)
Heavy rain otw to Forum
After Mustaffa we went back to Woodlands, its already 3.30, we lepak for Teh Tarik at sarbat stall than my BIL sent us back.
Reached home, kemas aper yg patut than went to fetch Aqil at Umi house.
At home, hubby sengaja nak surprise kan Aqil with the Optimus Prime. He purposedly asked Aqil to take sumting where he sorokkan the toy tu..........than.............tadaaaaaaaaaaa.......ya ampun kesukaan sampai terbaring-baring si Aqil.
His happy moment, just love to c his smiling happy face
Thank-u kiss to daddy, oppsss sila abaikan keseksian suamiku itewwww
u FIL looks young lah sis..very awet muda ek...
i smiled when i see aqil grinning away...mesti hepi bangat tu..yg diimpikan dah dpt :D
rasp, yah kah...blum my MIL lagi, muda-muda yg leceh tau, hahaha...........Aqil memang really happy yesterday, macam dapat durian runtuh gitew, hehe..
Rawkness. Ur FIL looks like papa lan! Haha. (Duh, kata bapak sendiri. Kekeke. Ampon papa!)
Mama, nad ada shawl stock lama brapa keping tinggal. Nanti nad bagi mama ek. No hal punya. Free of charge eh.
Finally Aqil dapat Optimus prime! YAYNESS! $79.90 tuhhhh. Gila kentang. Jangan cakap branded shoe, sebulan nyer duit makan pom bolehhh tuhhhhh. BUT! He deserve it lah ma. Dapat STARS okay! Not one je tawwww. Hehehe.
salam sis..
sonoknya aqil dpt toy baru..
yr FIL muda remaja lagi, pakai jeans!
the toys memang mahal nowadays! At $79.90, I can buy 3 pairs of shoes!
alamak..kena tutup mata sebelah lah..ada gambo seksa kat sini hahaha..
nad, maner ader same nad, tak samer lah...hehe...hmmm free ok ler tu, yup he so happy with it, janji harus di kotakan, if not hari-hari tanyer, bingit mama ....
attys, he so seronok sakan :)
sm, oh memang he muda sis and he love to wear jeans........tu lah, his toy can also buy me 3 pairs of shoes jugak, hai hai...
ct, haittttt, tutup tutup mata tu, hahaha........nanti kenek tembel lah sis :)
looks like his dad yg lg excited dpt toy tu :P
rillys, tu lah, bapak ngan anak samer jer ek, hehe...
sis, ur FIL indeed nampak smart lagi tu ;D
wah, sukelah si Aqil ye dapat Optimus tu, misti senyum tak sudah.. hehehehe model seblah aqil tu sheksilah, cannot close my eyes ;p hahahahahaha jex kidding maaa
waahhh minat ngn Transformers jgk ke? samala ngn my husband tuh..dia tu mmg teringin nk belikan that 'big' Optimus Prime for Azim but not the rite time yet la sis..budak kecik mn tau apa..ada yg terlerai OP tuh! huhuuh
ps, memang suka sakan tau sis si Aqil, model tu jangan pandang depan yer, pandang lah di belakang, hahaha...
mrs taj, yeppp, he loves transformer to n of course Ben 10 pun....actually I pun like risau if he tak take care sis...if murah tak per jugak, I kept reminding him to hold carefully, aper-aper pun must be careful , till he get bored, haha...
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