Hi uols, I'm quite fed-up caused today is a bizios day for me, lately I've been sooooo bz sampai tak der time sangat nak blog hop from office, by the time I reached home, macam penat pulak nak on PC. If I blog from home pun, I just did it randomly, so sowie ya if ader yg I tak berkesempatan nak visit.
I had a visitor last night, some of u might hv read her blog, sis raf. We planned to meet few times but tak berkesempatan, at last we met jugak at my house. Kebetulan Mr M and Mr H both work sampai malam, syokkk lah both of us berborak sakan.
sila abaikan muka tuan rumah yg nampak macam tired sangat bekerja
special posed from Aqil for kakak raf :)
Now I hv to continue with work, need to be out of the office on time, hv something on tonight, something yg meletopppppppp :)
Aqil pun minat ngan Ben 10 yer sis..sama ngan abang gak la
wah..aqil dah pandai puji girl yer..
amboi3 aqil mmg dok growing up ek..dah pandai see gorjes lady..
sis, she mmg gorjes kan..suka tgk dia..u pun apa kurangnya..sesama gorjes ladies posing gitu..
errrmmmm... tak sabar nak 'kepo' pasal 'something yg meletopppp' tu :D enjoiiiicceeee
tp mmg betol ckp aqil tu..she's pretty..
hurmm kecik2 dh pandai ye...
wah aqil dpt jam ben10..fir jeles nieh..
mummyshafie, skarang ape-ape pun mesti nak Ben 10, tak der lain, bday cake pun nak Ben 10..dah nak mentel pulak :)
rasp, gorges morges ek, hehehe...nanti i blog k yg meletop tu, unless u dah baca kat lain yg meletop, mine dah tak meletop :)
mrs taj, sweet looking jer sis, nak gatai lah pulak my son, hehehe ...
attys, asyik Ben 10 jer sis, penat melayan :)
Raf is super gorgeous in person esp when she smiles!
Anyway, I ALMOOOOOOOOOOST bought the same thing for Aqil & tgh q at cashier, I changed my mind coz I somehow have a feeling he has 1 or going to have 1! Sounds weird but its instinct I think!!! Tapi kalau dah TER-beli, then Aqil boleh pakai left & right hands!
seb baik aqil bleh tido dh dpt ben10 punya jam..
sm, yup true sis, sampai Aqil terpikat, hehehe.....he was super happy to received the walkie sis, siap posing sakan jugak with it...his collections of Ben 10 almost complete, waiting for him to transform to Ben 10 jer, hahaha :)
rillys, haha sleep pun ngan Ben 10 :)
Thank you sis for having me over. Jumpa juga akhirnya. Hehe. I'm glad you all liked the gifts. Aqil....thank you for that pose! Bukan main lagi dia..hehe. Your son is so sweet lah sis.....malu2...belum warm up lagi tu. Hehe.
And...thanks everybody for the compliments. Muka selekeh lah dlm gambar tu. Sis Moralle looks so young in person. Shopper mama is oh so pretty and slim aje....jealous I.
raf, u r most welcome sis :) kalau u wait for another 15 mins confirm warm up Aqil dah over :)
Young kat heart jer sis, tapi dah tuek, hahaha....oh ya me to soooooooo jealous of SM tau ):
cntik nyerr sis raf....
wahh...aqil da jd ben10 da...
sis I tgk aqil mcm model ben 10 watch, pic yg last tu sweet sngt
n,tantek kan she, cute mute...
erinsza, haha, Ben 10 in actions :)
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