Work as usual, I was quite upset this morning, had an argument with a customer, sarcastic customer to be exact, but after talking to my boss and after his explaination on how to handle this client, I was back to my normal self. Sometimes u still need yr boss to pujuk n advise u with this kind of situation. No doubt my boss is good at this but sometimes he also very demanding. The argument I had with the customer this mrng is also because of him. But anyway, work is still work, no matter hw unhappy u r, u just have no choice. U cant run away from it but u hv to face it.
I dont feel like taking my lunch today, had taken heavy breakfast this mrng, probably just grab a fruits later on. Kerja berlambak nak habiskan, so today will be a very bz day for me. Tapi no matter what I will still curi-curi blogging :), kerja sampai maut pun tak kan abis the work.
Posting this photo which Arin took for me, this photo was taken yesterday night, mamat kecik ni nak bersuap pulak lah makan, he says "Ibu, ibu suap adik makan K, sayang ibu" so sambil menyuap, sempat lah panggil akaknye to snap the 2 photos.
Dah macam filipino maid lah pulak kat umah ngan baju tidoq yg serabai ni.
hehehe.. philipino maid katanya...
betul2, keja berlambak pun... blogging harus kena curik2 gitu..
Nak idup yang, mesti nak camni, nanti boleh gilo lor kalau sek keja 24hrs
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