Friday, February 29, 2008
Yesterday 5.30 sharp i chow from office, dalam hujan yg lebat, go and fetch Aqil from Umi house (my sister). Lucky jugak, reached my sis place, hujan dah mula reda, kalau tak susah jugak I nak dukung Aqil dalam hujan yg lebat. Aqil everyday after school, bath, susu terus tidur. Maklumlah pagi dah bangun, than 1/2 day from 1 to 5 will be at school. Reached je car-park at my house hujan pun turun dengan lebatnye lagi. The girls balik dari school pun basah kuyup.
View from my house, hujan dah mula reda
Cuaca sejuk semalam, so ape lagi, as I mentioned in my blog, i nak sleep early, at 9pm sharp I dah masuk bobok. The girls pun satu hari kat school, dah kepenatan pun masuk tidur jugak, Aqil yg dah bangun after magrib pun ikut tidur jugak. I dont realized pun my hubby balik kul berape, so dari semalam I lum nampak dia lagi sampai lah pagi tadi, cause tadi pagi dia gi kejo pun I lum bangun. I wake up at 6.30am when the girls dah ready nak gi school. After solat subuh, I sempat jugak continue lepak-lepak kat katil until about 7.30am.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
SO TIREDdddddddd...........
The MIO box
To continue with my yesterday story, my nephew came with his wife from JB. He bought a 2nd hand desktop from my fren, the LCD rosak so I sent him to my fren place to change. At 8pm we are back at my place, serve them dinner which I had cooked before I left. Nothing fancy, i fried laksa goreng, "hmmmmmm sedap busu" sedap ke atau dah lapar sebab dari keja terus masuk Singapore. Heeee, cian dia, nak rush time terpaksa lah buat camni. Well me pun memang ade intention to go in to JB to pump petrol, so kite pun bertolak lah sama-sama. Guess what, its 10pm, and I m stuck in the jam from 10pm and only cleared at JB checkpoint at 12.30pm. Goshhhhhhhh, its unbelievable. Kalau we know its going to be that mad the jammed, sumpah we all tak masuk, pump je kat sini. The real reason for the jam, which we didnt know, we only knew when we reached the S'pore counter, we tanye the custom officer why the 100% check. ITS IN THE NEWSSSS, JI leader had escaped from his detention yesterday. So tak nak elaborate lah pulak pasal ni kan, kot kot nanti salah cakap, aku plak masuk jail. So kite pun ape nak cakap, dah stuck for few hrs, lepas je Singapore custom, stuck lah pulak up to JB custom. Of course lah both sides mesti ade 100% check kan, this is bukan main-main beb. At this time, my nephew and us dah seperated, we go our own way lah. Ingatkan after JB custom, all will be cleared, tapi "oh my goddddddd" out from JB custom stuck in the jam lagi sepanjang-panjang tidak, ade Chinggay lah pulak kat JB, bayangkan how fed-up and frustrated we are in the car, luckily Aqil tak buat hal. My hubby jangan lah cakap, dah sumpah seranah segala. So stuck lah lagi kite for another 1 1/2 hrs nak get out from the traffic. I SMS my nephew, they are about to reach home soon, n kite baru nak pump petrol. Si dua ekor tu pun lupa yg JB ade Chinggay celebration, dah masuk and stuck in the jam baru ingat. Ended up kite reach home at 2.30am. Aqil sampai dah berdengkor kat keta, my hubby hilang mood pasal dah ngantok sangat, and myselft, felt so tired and gerammmmmmm. What a day to remember, never before we are stuck that long, from 10 to 2.30am. Ikutkan hati memang malas nak masuk JB just to pump petrol, tapi apekan daya, petrol kat Singapore mahal, sangatlah mahal, jadi untuk enough kan budget, terpaksa lah redah jugak.
I will chow early from office today, and nak sleep early today, my hubby yg kesian, he had to worked till night today, will only reached home at 11.30pm, i dah pesan him, "ayah ibu nak sleep early ok, so dont kacau me when u balik, n of course ibu will prepare yr dinner first, if ayah tak makan, campak je kat dalam fridge" spontan jugak my hubby jawab, "tidur lah, tak de sapa pun nak kacau, tak yah prepare dinner, I will eat dinner kat keja, ayah pun balik terus nak bobok" So its settled, I will sleep early, nak wake-up fresh tomorrow, and oh ya, tak sabar nak meet up and have dinner with my best frens tomorrow.
I tried to control my eyes yg tersangat ngantok ni, tapi ya allah, susahnye. Dah bercawan kopi i sebat, ngantok gak. Lucky my boss came in early this morning, than chow after that. If not, tak tau how I nak sit here with my eyes half closed gitu. Well panjang lebar jugak my story, walaupun ngantok. Kalau ade typo error tu, betulkan lah sendiri kalau u all baca, maklumlah orang yg mengantuk yg typed this entry :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Will update if something interesting came up by then.
Cheersssssssss to all.
Monday, February 25, 2008
I dont really want to talk about work today, hari-hari pun sama jugak, work never ends. So back to my story ngan my ex colleague ni, kite ni sama kepala tau, sebab tu kite leh klick. When I used to work with her in my previous company, hari-hari tak kering gusi, ade je story yg nak di storykan, lucu-lucu pulak, and she memang lah suka kalau I ni talk rubbish, menggelikan hati. Sometimes in work place, u hv to have that kind of kawan which will make your day. While chatting with her pun, leh jugak cakap yg rubbish-rubbish gitu ???????? . Maklumlah orang dah kahwin, wakakaka. Ade lah ups and downs with her tapi tak se-serious mana pun, tapi pun macam never pulak I quarrel ngan dia, slalunye yg gila-gila ade lah. We shared our stories, from family to in-laws to ape-ape aje, except yg private lah kan, nanti dah story part tu, susah lah pulak, "sorry Ana". K lah I pun dont want to story banyak-banyak about her, marah pulak makcik ni kang. Well, I cant wait to c u, dah berapa kali this get together kenek postpone, insyaallah, this Friday on k.
Saturdays Updates :
As mentioned in my last wk friday update, I have something planned for Saturday. We were invited (me n hubby only) to a posh restaurant, its called 'CAROUSEL' located at Royal Plaza at Scotts hotel. Its serves Asian & Mediterranean buffet. From 1 to 5, I give 4 rating lah, because I ni bukan nye suka makan Jap food, or raw-raw food ni, so I only enjoyed the desserts, and of course the seafood. The story is like this : we were invited by this couple, the wife and daughter actually my hubby trainee, btw my hubby is a driving instructor, so bila the daughter dah passed the mom pulak belajar driving. Bila dua-dua dah passed, tu yang as a gratitude they invite us for dinner, bukan we all je, there is also another instructor which is in the same group with my hubby, was also invited. But its couple je lah, so my 2 daughters I terpaksa post kan kat somewhere, but no choice I still hv to bring the bujang kecik. Well the dinner was quite good, this hotel belongs to Brunei, so kebanyakkan of their customers pun from Brunei. Susah nak compare, brunei ngan singaporean muslim kan sama je, unless kite dengar their conversation a bit je different. Back to the foods, they have everything served, and the desserts was marvellous (sorry tak de gambar) I didnt snap any photos of the foods, its very crowded and malu lah pulak nak snap-snap. Only a few photos taken, during the makan and also me posing at hotel lobby. This is the 1st time my hubby was invited to such occasions if trainee passed their driving, all the while only small token je. Normally he will bring back chocolate, sampai muak makan chocolate.
Sunday nothing much to update, was at home the whole day, hubby is working, left me n the kids at home. As usual, banyak kerja kat umah yg harus di perbuat. Actually I pun dont really like to go out on Sunday, i rather spend time at home. At least all those house works u can finish up on Sunday. If not it will keep piling up every day.
Nothing else to story mory, so I end my story here, will upload the photo yg I snap sikit-sikit kat hotel tu k.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Benciiiiiiiiii............. Tapi apekan Daya
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sempat berposing jugak walaupun dah terlebih lambat to work
When I reached office my boss was smiling at me, I think he knows cause I came to work without make-up, that means I m late, and rushing to work, hehehe. His mood is good today, apasal ek????? well, bagus lah boss mood baik, so I start keja pun dengan hati yg gumbira, hehehehe.
Sesudah bermake-up nak pose kejap
I had a discussion with my boss abt yesterday issues, biase lah si tua ni, he says "Mariah, I understand your situation, I just want you to bear with it until we hv a logistic assistant to handle all issues pertaining to logistic" boleh gitu, ok lah tak pe, I give-in lagi, just wait and c, how long it will be or how long will I be here.
So today, macam bz lah sikit, sampai tak perasan its lunch time. Today hubby tersayang prepare my breakfast n lunch. Sayang kan ayah ngan ibu, hehehehe, wifey membongkang tidoq, cik abang kenek prepare breakfast sendiri, tak ketinggalan preparekan sekali untuk wife terchinto. Well 2 sets of wholemeal bread with egg for me, 1 for breakfast and the other for lunch. Sila lah lihat gambar roti I yg simple dan sedappppp, maklumlah yg prepare kan abang tersayang.
Sedap tau roti ni, lagi lagi yg prepare kan abeng tersayang
While munching my bread, rasa macam nak buat spring cleaning lah pulak, my workstation ni dah macam ape, berabuk lagi, the cleaner never did a good job, tapi nak naik gaji, ape hal kan, of course my boss bising ah. So ape lagi, since my work pun tak memerlukan yg urgent, I start to do my spring cleaning. My boss came back from his lunch and say, "what is with you today, people do spring cleaning before the CNY, u the other way round" dalam hati, aku nye pasal lah, nak sebelum ke, selepas ke, kok susah sey, macam lah kite ni pantang cam dia. My boss ni walaupun quite modern tapi banyak jugak his pantang larang. Yg paling dia serious sekali is, no red colour in the office area or at the production, overall kat tempat keja lah. Ni his fengshui. But of course not limited to individual lah, working attire tak termasuk lah, mana boleh kan, suka hati u lah, nak pakai baju red ke, bra red or panties red, he wants to check ke, wakakaka.
Sesudah, sama je kan, banyak sangat khazanah yg important
Dengan sesungguhnye menghadapi santapan yg di idamkan :)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Since morning dah lah bz macam nak rak, every single things are urgent, fed-up betul lah. I m really in a bloody moody mood betul lah. Tak tau camna nak expresskan at my blog ni, the only thing I know I m really eeeeeee :(
I went out a while during lunch just to take a fresh air, rasa nye tersumbat pernafasan today duk dalam opis, if I didnt go out, I will feel miserable the whole day. So I went to Sun Plaza for shopping. Pusing-pusing, at last I bought a simple and nice black top, though its simple tapi harga leh tahan gak, but I dont care, lagi boring nyepasal I just grabbed it and pay. Hmmmmmmmmm I can wear this on Saturday for my ??????????, oh my last wkend event was postponed to this Saturday, will blog about it next week. I spend almost 2 hrs for lunch today, terover pulak time, but who cares.
My New simple black top from This Fashion
Reached office, my boss is waiting for me, Phrghhhhhhhhhhhhh, ade lagi si tua ni kat opis. So I kasi lah excuses yg I was held up by something, tu sebab late. Actually dia tak tanye pun why I'm late back to office, he is waiting for me because he want to drive the Opel out. Ooooooooooo, abih lah aku, he has appt at 2pm, I reached office at 2.30pm. I malas nak drive my car out, so I drive the office Opel car. Asal pulak dia tak drive his Lexus ???? well anyway, I felt a bit better after the jalan-jalan n shopping.
Than, while doing my work, suddenly it happened againnnnnnnnn, ni kali I angry pulak ngan my Ops manager, dia ni tak patut pun jadi Manager ah, he really didnt have the Manager responsibility, geram ah, because of his dont care attitude I yg kenek with customer. Really toooooooo much, I have to bring this matter to my boss, if not every time customer could not get him, I will be the person yg kene attacked, its not fare, really not fare for me, I m not paid to be his bullet proof jacket, to hell with him, I will definitely put this to a stop.
Nak tayang muka orang lagi penggggg, nampak tak my angriness ni
Today betul-betul menguji kesabaran I, kalaulah I ni tak leh control, rasanye dari tadi lagi I dah cabut balik, rumah bukan jauh pun, bedek -bedek not well, jumpa doktor amik MC.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Dah macam filipino maid lah pulak kat umah ngan baju tidoq yg serabai ni.
Monday, February 18, 2008
WATCH IT !!!!!!!!
ENJOYYYYYYYYYYY the new Singer from Singapore, MUHD AQIL
I had planned to have lunch with hubby today, while waiting for the clock to reach 12pm, I pun bikin lah kerja sesungguhnye walaupun my tummy not feeling to well today, meragam pulak perut ni, apasal agaknye. The whole tummy cramp, I had to take pain killer in order to stop the pain. After taking the pain killer, ok lah sikit.
At 12 sharp hubby sms yg dia dah kat bawah, I pun turun and we go and have our lunch together gether. Dont know where to go, Banquet jugak lah at Causeway Point. I had E-mee soup while hubby had kueteow kerang. Ok lah, dua-dua pun sedap. After lunch I drove him back to take his motorbike, me back to office while he off to work, this wk he is on afternoon shift. While driving back to office, my tummy cramp datang balik, so uncomfortable having tummy ache while driving. Alhamdulillah sampai office ngan selamat, than kelam kabut take the pain killer lagi. Rasa-rasa macam nak kenek c pak doktor, kenek kasi duit lagi lah nampaknye malam ni. When the pain is gone again, ape lagi, continue with work and blogging. Sempat jugak update my blog while work is piling up jugak.
Monday blues ah today, so bikin keja also a bit slow and I m taking my own sweet time until 530 pm :)
Nizam, me and Mastura, my sis 3rd daughter
These photos were taken during Hisham wedding in Dec, 2 mths back
Friday, February 15, 2008
CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga...
Kerana CINTA itu buta... Lalu
KAWAN pun ikut terjun dalam
telaga... Kenapa??
KeranA... KAWAN akan buat ape
sahaja demi CINTA !! Di dalam
telaga CINTA hilang... Kenapa??
Kerana... CINTA itu halus, mudah
hilang kalau tak di jaga, sukar
di cari apatah lagi dalam telaga
yang gelap... Sedangkan KAWAN
masih lagi tercari-cari dimana
CINTA dan terus menunggu...
Kerana... KAWAN itu sejati dan
akan kekal sebagai KAWAN yang
setia...kan?? so, hargai lah
KAWAN kita selagi kita terasa dia
Walaupun kita punya couple, teman still
paling setia...
Walau kite punya harta banyak
teman still paling berharga
Frenz never break.......................
Muka orang boring yg berada di dalam kereta semasa jam, tapi sempat berposing dengan muka yg bored
The wdkend is here again. Few things had been planned over the wkend. Tonight we will be celebrating my nephew bday at my sis place, will take photos of the handsome bday boy and the celebration. Nothing fancy, just a family get together.
Wake up this morning, wondering what to wear to work, dont felt like wearing jeans and T, so I sneaked into my daughter wardrobe, and pinjam her long blouse. Hahaha, mother and daughter has the same size (my 1st girl), imagine how chubby she is until I can wear some of her clothes, not all though. So here I am at work with leggings and long blouse from THIS FASHION.
This morning I was late to work again, not because I overslept, but because of the jam. Most of the company had started work again since yesterday, so the road that I always used was jam with cars, sooooooooo many cars. And the taffic light, so fast changing from green to red. It had started again, the road is jamming with cars. I thought I can be at work early today, but I reached office almost 9. Luckily my boss is not in early today, if not I have to answer to all his stupid questions. But so far, he never really query me if I m late, he knows the route I always took is jam, he himself will pass by that route. So no issues lah.
Had a meeting with my boss this morning, few things to do and follow-up. As usual, bad debtors, manpower matters, blah blah and blah. All this issues had been a routine matters to follow up during my meeting session with him. The rest of the day will c how, though tonnes of things to do, but today is Friday beb, relax lah kan, tak yah nak overworked.
Going out later during lunch to buy a present for my nephew, but still thinking what to buy. Few things in my mind, actually few things to buy, including my own things.
Till further update, "HAPPY WKEND TO ALL"
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Entrance
Open the door - this is what u c
Part of the living room - near the main door
My living room area