I came in late to the office this morning, had to go to the bank and Post Office to do some errands. When I reached office, I had a shocked again, on my table there is a nice colourful bag with a gift in it.
I was looking at three person in the office, my boss, new Ops Manager Jansson and Matilda. Then I knew who is it from, its from my dearie Matilda. She smiled when I looked at her, so sweet right, she bought me a presey for my bday. I hv not opened it yet, but read the small cute little pinkish card. Very touched, its in Malay, written by her boyfren. Her boyfren is from Malaysia, Taipeng Perak and worked in Singapore.
Me and Matilda had been quite closed sinced she joined a month ago. Everyday we talked about our life stories and we really can clicked, thou she is younger than me, she is so sweet, always listen to my motherly story about my kids and my hubby. Even thou I hv not met her boyfren face to face, I knew he is a nice guy, caused I knew she always talked about me and my family behind my back with her boyfren :)
Today a bit moody to work, monthly fren made my stomach cramp like mad and work bz as usual. But whatever the feeling is today, I cant wait for tomorrow, its my special day tomorrow and I want to enjoy it with a smiley face and laughter with my love ones.To all frens "HV A GREAT WKEND", muachhhhhhssss...............
saya nak wish awal skit la.. buleh???
happy besday kak...
nanti kita jumpa kat jb tau..
Ceera thanks laling for the wish, for sure we will meet again, I will make my way there just for all of u, muachhhhhss.........
erm.. wah! bestnya bila dapat something from somebody... hehehe... aien nak wish awal satu hari "Happy birthday akak, semoga panjang umor dan berbahagia selalu disamping anak2 n suami tercinta".... hot kiss kat pipi akak, for ur birhtday from me... Muach... muach... 2 kiss lagi tu!
take care akak... Cayang akak!
Hi Aein, thanks laling for the wishes and lovely kissess........panas pulak rasa pipi ni, **ihiksss**
U take care to n hv a great wkend,muachhhhsss......
moralle---actually besday you dah lepas ke belum..sorii if i missed your entry...
but dont know when to wish you
sis! wah dah dpt b'day gift..sweet of her & bf kan..tapikan i wondering why one hot mama no say anything in your previous entry huh! errrrmmmm *ihiks* tak nak wish lagi...esok in my blog i dedicate 1 entry for you k... whhhoooppeeee ooops terlebeh sudah - i plak yg smiling away :D
Mommy entry I confusing eh Mommy, lum lah yang, its tomorrow 19/7/08.
Rasp, nanti I post the gift from Matilda, soka tau, like she knows I want it.
Oh, hot mama yg lagik satu tu bz lah, she email me, I terperanjat beruk kejap, **ihikkksss** betul-betul kasi I surprises.
Malu nyer nak dedicate entry for me, I mesti visit for sure, thanks dearie, muachhhhhhhss.....Hv a great wkend to u n family :)
BTW, u ade janjian sama yg itu ya, hmmmmmmmm i nak itot :)
Happy Birthday Kak Moralle,
Selamat Panjang Umur and Murah rezeki. And semoga berbahagia selalu.
*Wish satu hari awal, sebab esok weeknd takut tak log on computer plak esok*
Hi Zie, thank u sooooooooo much laling, AMINNNNNNNN........
Wkend slalu bz ngan family kan, memang pun tak de time kadang-kadang, take care and hv a great wkend dearie :)
hi sis!
nak wish jugaklah..hiksss
happy birthday dear..i'm so hepi that u're blessed with a wonderful family..;)
btw,matilda tu so sweetlah..thou baru jer jadi clique dgn u..hope u guys will stay 'kamceng' foreva..
Hi Rillys, thanks dear for the wishes :)
Matilda is sweet, I was shocked also with her gift, as u mentioned, we just being colleague, ya me to hope we will be kamcing foreve........
epy weekend sis....jom jln2
Hi Hi Sis
sorry ye now baru nak wish you. lambat pasal mrt kita jauuuuuhhh -
A Happy Fabulous & Marvelous Bday!
Stay cun cun melecun!
Hi N, okay u tunggu i nak kenek belik ticket keretapi or bus dulu, happy wkend to u u :)
Hi Mama, thanks dearie, MRT u rosak kot tak sampai-sampai kt blog I, anyway I understand.
Cun-Cun melecun tu dah berkedut jugak, hehehe :)
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