OHHHHHH......MY AWARD........
I'm very bz, but I missed my blog, I nak update, nak visit frens blog & read their story mory........ and guess what, I received an award from my adik ni, thanks Raf for the wonderful award.
Am I friendly ????????? yaaaaaaa of course I am, hehehe. I am a friendly person since the day I knew what is frens, who is my frens and whoever wants to be my fren. Sometimes terover friendly sangat sampai tersalah di nilaikan. That is why the course I had attended I loike the subject related to human relations, "Understanding Yrself and Others"K lah tak nak merepek lagi, I'd like to present this award to shopper-mama, Raf, Rasp, Ceera, Linda, Apple, Nemo,nasaz, ej, & ted. All these ladies are friendly okayyyyyyyyy. The names doesnt stop here, there r lots of friendly bloggers out there with their different ways of showing that they r friendly.
hi sis!!
u deserved the award!!! congrats!!! me??? ayoo!! sgt terharu... tq so much sis!!! mmmmuahhhhnesss!!! :D
Ted, hi hi, hw r u. Akceli we hv to be friendly lah kan, if not nanti jadi beruk pulak sorang-sorang :) but of course kenek berpada-pada, u 2 ape kurangnye kan, pun friendly jugak, kalau dapat jumpa u camna agaknye kan, muachhhhhhh muachhhhhhhhh...
ye ye.. dapat award... tq sis...
akak memang friendly pun, i like...
*blush* *wink wink*.. tq for the lovely award.. u deserve it too dearie..
Ceera, me 2 think u r friendly my dear, if not tak kan akak nak kasi award kan kan kan :)
Rasp, both of us deserved it bebeh.....
tq akk..muahhxx..
akk mmg friendly pun,first time jumpa tp cm da lm kenal,
best sgt!!!!..
tp sy friendly ker??
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