Saturday : Me with frens at Batam
Posing & having breakfast while waiting for ferry at 8.45am
In the ferry to Batam
First stop, Mustika Ratu for the Spa, Urut & Hair treatment
I think this is at Nagoya, to stop for our late lunch
Inside ferry on the way back to Singapore, me with my J CO donuts
I reached Singapore at 9pm, hubby & kids fetched me at Harbourfront, they to hv great time without the mummy, daddy belanja makan at Swensen and jalan-jalan at VIVO city.
The almost gone J CO donuts my kids, hubby & myself santap when we reached home
Sunday : With Family
Hubby work on Sunday, but we have plans in the late afternoon. Before hubby comes back, I went to a wedding invitation with my sis, its our old kampung people. We met lots and lots of orang-orang kampung yg dah lama tak jumpa sejak kita pindah. Its fun, ade yg dah tua, yg my age suma dah beranak penak, dah lama tak berjumpa, bila jumpa banyak sungguh perubahan nye.
My fren 4 kids, The powerpuff girls
Loving couple, pantang suruh posing, cik abang senyum lebar :)
Duduk makan-makan, borak-borak, Aqil so happy watching the aeroplanes yg nak landing, kebetulan the spot yg kite duduk is where the aeroplane suma nak land, so its very-very near, terjerit-jerit bujang kecik, happy sangat. We left Changi airport at about 11.30 when the kids and bapak budak suma dah nampak layu je, Cuma mak nye aje yg still looking hyper, tak tau penat.
Posed from 2 mummies before we chow
Monday : Vesak Day & Rancangan yg tergendala
I hv planned with hubby to bring the kids to watch movie, Ayat-Ayat Cinta, my sis had already watched the movie with her children, so she advised that I should bring my two girls to watch it. Its a good movie, love story between a Christian and Muslim and story about young love.
But my plan tergendala, when I woke up in the morning I received sms from my SIL, my brother is critically ill at NUH hospital. My sis from JB pun sms, she is coming in to visit my brother, so I will hv to wait for her before I go, we are going together.
Me & my sis from JB, 2nd big sister, she looks more like arwah my mother
At NUH while waiting for my BIL & hubby to park the car & smoking
When we reached NUH, all my brother kids are there, and my brother was in a very bad conditions. He's on oxygen, cant really talk properly. I broke into tears, I was very very sad at that time looking at his conditions. This is my elder brother, even thou he is a person who is very unreasonable at times, but I do still love him. My brother is a diabetic, one of his leg had been amputated, he's almost blind, and now his 2 kidneys are not functioning. Due to this, he can't pass urine and his leg and his private parts are blotted. Seeing him like that I really cant imagine how he's suffering. Dia dah meracau yg bukan-bukan, dont want to stay at the hospital, he wants to go home. But the doctor wont allow it, they need to do further investigations to know the cause first before they can decide what to do with him.
Mudah-mudahan my brother will recover soon walaupun dengan keadaan yg tak berape sempurna, dan kami adik-beradik, isteri dan anak-anaknye redha dengan ape yg akan berlaku padanye. Tak sanggup rasanye melihat my brother sengsara seperti ini, "Ya allah ya tuhanku, kau berikan lah yg terbaik untuk abang kami ya allah, dah kau kasihani lah dirinye ya allah, ampunilah segala dosa-dosanye, kami redha ya allah, permudah kan lah perjalanan nye ya allah walaupun dengan ape cara sekalipun yg engkau kehendaki, AMINNNNNNN"
Hi Sis, I know how it feels like for ppl with kidney failure coz my dad suffered this plus other illness for 10 years. However, he was very upbeat in life & did not let his illness impede his lifestyle. Most important, the family has to motivate your brother & Insya’ Allah, he will not think too much abt it. Semua kuasa Allah.
Anyway, mcm best spa/massage at Batam but I tak pernah try coz memang tak suka spa/massage dari anak dara lagi. Don't know why!
Hi Mama, ya looking at him made me felt very sad sangat, he is in his early 50 but he looks older than that. He is really pulling his own inner strength together while we as family members will try to motivate him so that he will be able to pull through, insyaallah.
The spa was really good dear, sampai i tertidur nyenyak betul during the sessions. The spa package inclusive of Urut frm head to toe, lulur badan, steaming, body mask, bubble bath with all the herbs and last but not least, ganggang session, ooooooo syok lah sis, u should try, especially kite yg dah overstress with work ni kan, really help to distress.
wahhh akakkk.. syoknya gi spa kt mustika ratu... jauh tak dari s'pore nk gi batam tu akak?? baper minit?? ishhh syok betui laaa...
fuhhhhhhh picnic malam2!! seronokkan akak.. lepak2, borak sambil mkn nasi lemak... wahhh syurgaaa tuuuu... :D
ermmmm.. doa ej dari jauh utk abg akak, semoga dia cepat2 sembuh seperti sediakala... aminnnn.. akak jgn sedih2 ekk.. insyaallah abg akak akan ok..
Hi EJ laling, memang seronok spa at mustika ratu tu, best giler, 3 hrs treatment for 340,000 rupiah, its about S$55, murah giler lah yang and worth.
From Singapore to Batam about 1 hr je yang by Ferry, mai lah sini, leh akak ajak gi jalan-jalan kat Batam.
The picnic tu tak rancang pun, saja nak bawak budak-budak yg tak puas swim siang hari. Memang lah syok makan nasi lemak sambil sembang-sembang.
Thanks for the Doa EJ, akak pun berharap my brother will recover soon, tak sanggup nak tengok dia camtu, apetah lagi diri dia sendiri yg memikul kesengsaraan.
wah... bestnya trip kali nie. g mustika ratu, pastu malam berkumpul ramai2.
happy jer lynn ngok akak. Semuga gembira selalu.
harap2 abang akak tu cepat sembuh! Amin...
Hi Aein, ah ah yang, the trip to Batam best lah, suma pun pompuan kan, giler abis lah. Malam ngan anak-anak pulak. Membahagikan masa.
Dah happy-happy dapat brita sedih pulak, tapi akak tawakal, walau ape pun mudah-mudahan abang akak cepat sembuh.
waaa bestnyer penuh sungguh aktiviti akk..syok!!...
moga semuanyer akn selamat,akk jgn sedey2 sgt k..
hope ur brother get well soon la... insy kan...
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. penuh ngan aktiviti ye kak.. tak melekat kat umah langsung nie, hehehehe.. soka tengok...
Hey sis, enjoy sakan nampak.. bestnye dpt pamperkan diri kat spa kan...
I doakan ur brother gets well soon. The whole family would have to be strong in order for him to be strong too...InsyaAllah dengan berkat doa semua, things will be better..
Do take care dear...
Nemo laling, lama tak singgah, anyway thanks for the doa k yang, the activities was fun and we enjoyed very much, muachhhhhhh.
Ceera, thanks laling for the doa, memang best betul spending time camni, tak ingat ape pun, sampai terbengkalai rumah, tak de time nak mengemas, so this wkend kenek kadaq mengemas lah.
Rasp, thanks dear for your doa. My intention to Batam is for Spa, so its really worth lah yang, with the money spent, u r treated so gd for 3hrs okayyyy. Sampai kan I terdengkur tidur while doing the body mask, heheheh.
hi..just dropped by to cheer up ur day! sweet family..nice blog *_*
Hi Rillys, thanks for dropping by, will blog hop to yrs 2, cheersss
great time u have over there.... wish i could come and enjoy hang up with u guys at the Mustika ratu spa...
i know ur bro must be really in bad condition.... i come across lotsa patients who suffers like him, and i'll pray all the best for him...
Tiffany, may b one day we will meet or when u come to Singapore I will bring u to Batam for spa, the spa was really great there.
My brother had been suffering for yrs now, I'm really hoping that his suffering will end and will recover which I doubts so, melainkan dengan ketentuan allah, insyaallah.
Hi sis! I haven't had time to blog hop much these days. I'm so sorry to hear about your elder brother. I cannot imagine the difficulty his family is going thru and I hope they will remain strong to weather thru this. I doakan your bro will get better and for strength for him and his too. Take it easy yeah.
Pasal Batam trip nyer! I can't wait for my holidays to start. Haha. Still at work everyday this week. :( Boring betul..sekolah lain Wed last day for teachers to report. Anyways, you go to the mustika ratu spa must make appt? Can pass me the address and the telephone number? I toit of going next week. Thanks sis.
Raf, thanks dear, I realy salute my SIL for this. Since the day my brother had to amputate his leg, she gave up her stall just to look after my brother, n till now had always been beside him to look after his needs.
The Batam trip was really good. Cian nye adik akak ni, masih kenek gi school lagi, but okay lah tak lama lagi pun dah holiday kan. U should go to Mustika Ratu for the spa & urut, will make u relaks lah dear. U hv to call to make appt first, nanti i will give u the contact k.
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