Monday, April 14, 2008


Very happy Monday to all :) The weekends are over and now its work and work again, I'm rushing to submit the company March accounts which dah long ovedue. Need to do it by today, the consultant has to submit 1st half of GST for 2008 which will be due by end April. For info, accounts section I'm only doing bookkeeping ok, compiling accounts for the month and submit to consultants to do the rest of the accounting works. HR section, I m doing everything, recruitment, CPF and all HR related matters lah. So no matter what I need to finish up my accounts and submit by today, like some says, die die must do also.

Now I can relaxs sikit because I hv finished all my accounts and can update my blog first, hv updated it since at 1pm, but have to save it first cause boss balik office. I still hv other pending things to complete, but that can wait, not so rush for me, still have time before the deadline.


Lets c how I spend my wkends, "WARNING" its very lengthy story mory, so dont get bored reading it :)

Hubby didnt work on Sat, we are going to watch kak Yana at Home Team Academy for the NPCC 2008 Annual Parade. Both my girls early morning dah went out, Kak Yana ade training in the morning and afternoon before the parade start at 6pm, Arin went to her Red Cross charity event at Geylang, so left me, Aqil and hubby at home. After solat subuh I pun went back to sleep n woke up at 11am, hmmmmmmmm best betul tidur skali skala bangun lambat kan. Hubby pun woke up at the same time, we had our late breakfast and start doing the house work lah sikit-sikit. Hubby cleaned all the fans, its his usual house chores which he will do it every 2 weeks or longer, it depends on his mood. As for me, tak kan nak duduk diam, so me pun make the effort to clean all windows and all the furnitures, dah lama tak clean, nampak kotor sangat. Last time my maid used to do all these cleaning, but now, sendiri bikin lah kan. Since we tak de maid anymore, we will do the cleaning at least every quarterly, jadi lah kan, kalau every wkend nak do cleaning for all these things, boleh pengsan.

Finished with all the cleanings, we had our late lunch and than get ready to go to HTA. Parade start at 6pm but we have to go down early to pick-up ticket from kak Yana from the guard house. 1 student is only entitled for 2 tickets je, so only me, hubby and Aqil went. Arin kenek lah stay at Umi house while we are gone. We reached HTA early, so kite boleh lah recky-recky the best seat dulu. Met my fren at HTA, her daughter is also selected for the parade, so kite duduk together-gether lah, sok sek dulu before the show start. How I admired her, now 5 months pregnant, no 5, dah rezki dia kan.

Lagi felt bored, we reached there early

Hubby managed to snap kak Yana in full u on the way to the gents

At about 5.45pm the show start, event by event, boring jugak, lucky my daughter is in the parade, if not haiiiiiiiii go shopping lagi best kan.

this guy searching for the daughter yg sedang parade, bawak teropong lagi

Parade had started

Almost half of the event dah over, suddenly Aqil complaining he had stomach ache, and suddenly, "wuekkkkkkkkkkk" my son muntah, habis my pants, my blouse kenek his muntah, I kelam kabut ask him to stand at one side, he let go all, melambak muntah dia, sampaikan audience yg kat depan terpaksa change their seat, I apologized to them, lucky they understand, what can I do, budak kan. Me and hubby brought him to the toilet to clean up, lucky his baju tak kenek, except his sandal yg teruk.

The show ends at 6.45pm, there are light refreshment for all visitors. While waiting for kak Yana to change, we all pun pegik lah cari makan. Not bad, lots of varieties. At the same time Aqil sakit perut lagi and vomit again, from than on he has been vomiting for 6 times until we reached home. When we reached home he vomit again, so I told hubby we better bring him to KK or the 12hrs clinic. We ingat nak bawak him to hospital je, but its Saturday, sure crowded, so at last we decided for the 12hrs clinic nearby. At the clinic he vomited again, dah more that 8 times he vomit, when its our turn to go in, the doctor confirmed that he has Stomach Flu.

at the doctor, lagi nak tahan muntah, kesian kan

waiting for his name to be called

Umi and Abi rush down to the clinic to c Aqil, biaselah, Abi will not stay still if dengar Aqil not well, his loverboy. His vomiting continues sampai lah kemalam, kesian my boy, dah tak de tenaga betul. At the same time kenek fever pulak. The doctor had said, if the vomit continue with very high fever we hv to sent him to hospital. Alhamdullillah the fever not so high, after giving him the medicine he felt asleep sampai lah the next morning.

Sunday morning :

Aqil woke -up at 6am and ask for his milk, agaknye lapar, just imagine he only had lunch on saturday with us than after that tak sempat nak eat anyting else dah kenek stomach flu. After drinking his milk he started to vomit again, I felt like crying looking at him, the way he vomit, sampai-sampai dah nothing came out, kan pity, hati ibu mana yg tak sedih looking at him like that. At that time hubby dah ready nak go to work, so I told him its okay lah, u go to work, anything I will call him. I gave Aqil his vomit medicine than he went back to sleep sampai 11am. I really hope when he wakes up he will feel better. Alhamdullillah, when he woke up he nak minum milk and this time after drinking he tak vomit, I happy sangat, he looks ceria balik. The touchy part, "Ibu Aqil lapar, Aqil nak makan" . I pun hug him and terus go kitchen to prepare for him breakfast.

When I c that he is getting better, I pun start as usual lah, sibuk with house chores and cooked lunch for the kids. I sms hubby and Abi to inform them that Aqil dah ok and not vomiting anymore. Yesterday tak tau how many time Aqil mintak makan, so I layankan aje, bayar niat my boy ni satu hari tak makan. When I saw him eating and back to his normal condition, tuhan aje yg tahu macam mana perasaan I at that time "Ya allah, kau telah mendengar doaku untuk menyembuhkan anak ku"

Hubby came back at 6pm, he also happy lah to c Aqil dah sihat. Play PSP and watch TV with Aqil, GP motor racing, their favourite tu orang lain tak leh kacau.

So at the end, wkends I hv to nurse Aqil yg tak berape sihat n alhamdullilah he is ok now. And my plan to go JB to visit my sister had to be cancel, may b other wkend if hubby tak work.

~~~~~~~~THE END ~~~~~~~~~~~


Ceera said...

alahai, kesian aqil.. sakit perut ye...

aqil dah sihat sepenubnye ke kak?

Shopaholic Mama said...

Hi Kak - Stomach flu ke? If so, memang teruk coz my daughter pun dulu selalu kena. Yg tak bestnye, kejap kejap muntah so kena stand by plastic. Hope he is better now.

Moralle said...

Ceera, Aqil dah ok since yesterday morning, makan pun dah laju, alhamdullillah.

Mama, doctor confirmed stomach flu, since dia kenek on Sat, bukan plastic je kenek standby, I even get him to hold a small bucket easier for him. He is better now, dah school pun today.