K now I want to blog about my wkends, what I did during the wkends, Saturday I attended Ayuni bday at Downtown East, and Sunday, boringggg, melekat at home, I planned to go down to Expo for JL sale but its cancelled, hubby tired, to shopholic mama, sorry I tak dapat nak sampaikan salam u to Mr John Little, what about u ????
Sat, we are invited from 5pm onwards, I janji my anak sdara that we will be there around 7pm, cause pak busunye work, ended we arrived downtown East at 9pm. All because of Yana, she has to attend parade at HTA, supposed to finish at 5.30 gitu, but hubby waited for her until 7pm. By the time they reached home almost 7.30pm. Ape nak buat, this parade is important to my daughter for her NPCC ranking, insyaallah she will be promoted to NCO by May this yr, suka banget anak dara I tu nak jadi NCO. This parade will be the last session before the actual NPCC parade 2008 next wk on Saturday. Hmmmm cant wait to c her in full uniforms to perform the parade in front of so many many officers. Ok, I will blog about my daughter parade next wk.
Back to my cucu bday, we reached Downtown East at 9pm, ramai sungguh olang lorrrr, macam malu pulak, mula-mula felt out of place, cause I tak nampak my cousins-cousins and the rest of my families or anak-anak sdara yg lain, yg ramai suma my anak sdara nye wife families. Malu gila lah, nak snap-snap photos pun I sooooo malu, than after that when I saw my brother n sister in law (datuk n nenek Ayuni), and their other kids, baru lah rasa lega sikit, macam dah ok gitu. Than me n the kids, baru nak start amik itu ini makan, maklumlah malu kan, dah nampak family sendiri, baru terbuka selera, hehehe. Anyway, most of my cousins and my other families tak datang, they all ade hal, my side, cuma I yg came. Cian ngan cucu, jauh-jauh pun nek n atok busu ni datang kan. Surprisingly, Ayuni have not cut her bday cake yet, so ade lah chan nek su dia snap photo budak kecik ni time meniup lilin.
Ayuni n mommy nye (bday cake from Creative, sungguh "Yummy")
Tak ketinggalan me sekeluarga
My kids and Ayuni
Kesian dua eqok ni, anak sapa ek, dah sleepy n tired
We ate, borak-borak and left the place about 11.30pm. We reached home almost 1230am, the kids dah melepak belakang kereta, reached parking je, I gegah suma bangun, tak kan lah I nak dokong satu-satu yg dah besor gedabak suma.
Sunday I lepak at home with the kids, hubby biaselah work, me bz as usual with house chores.
Aqil as usual, with his PSP, bila dah boring, menjerit tak tentu pasal, nak tunjuk stress
Hi Sis Moralle - Saturday I went to Bugis Junction & Sunday, got wedding at Bt Batok so I singgah IMM aje. So long tak gi IMM, its so different now! At that moment, I was imagining you with a JL trolley tau!
Hi mama, IMM different now, I went last week, fuyooooooooh lamai olang lor, I tak push JL trolley, I push vacuum kat rumah, hmmmm so bored.
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