Wednesday, June 11, 2008

MY BREAKFAST...............

Hmmmm i'm full, I just had MacD breakfast today. I had asked Matilda to help me buy MacD breakfast yesterday and this morning I fetched her from Civic Centre to the office.

After fetching her it rains very heavily all the way. Both of us enjoying our breakfast in the office before we start our work.

U all dah breakfast lum???? kalau ade yg belum tu, go and have yr breakfast dulu, the most important meal of the day okayyyyy...........


rasp said...

Sis, sedapnya bekpas tu.. yummy yummy! have a splendid day dear!

Moralle said...

Rasp, sekali-sekala makan MacD, if slalu tak leh ohhh, nanti ade big hole kat kocek, u 2 hv a great day ahead...........

Ceera said...

saya belum, hehehe... =P

Moralle said...

Ceera, jangan laparkan perut, harus makan untuk bfast, if not nanti lunch makan tak ingat donia pulak :)