Its our tradition every yr to count their duit raya on the last day of hari raya, exactly 1 mth baru we all count. But this yr I'm breaking the rules, we counted it last week, raya belum habis we all dah kira. And my 2 girls since young until now even thou kak Yana dah 15, Arin dah 13, still ibu will keep for them, they will not keep the money with them, well to tell the truth I pun still belum kasi green light for them to keep it. Not being so kolot, but I think its good jugak I keep for them caused I know my girls dua-dua ni tersangatlah boros, very shopaholic jugak pantang nampak barang yg berkenan di hati, ade duit kat tangan, habis lah di kerjakan........hmmmm seperti siape anak-anak ku ini.......macam I know lah......macam ibu nyer kot masa muda-muda dulu, now ajer dah kurengggggg.
Ni lah sesi count duit raya this year, Aqil had counted his with me kat atas katil without the 2 girls..........than the next day, Arin counting hers, kak Yana duit raya was counted by Aqil and Arin......she dont want to count it, malu I nak snap her pic while opening the envelope.
atty's, alhamdulillah, untuk keperluan dua nak dara cukup lah, biaselahkan, nak baju lah, nak pants lah, nak itu dan ini, so haaaa amik pakai duit raya sendiri, hehehe...
wah sis moralle, tgk smpulnye bukan main bnyk lagi.
erinsza, alhamdulillah ade lah sikit2........tapi muai lah jugak :)
sis cayalah still simpan for them.. yelah kan budak2 ni pantang ada duit misti nak blanje..
perantausepi, aduh kalau the girls simpan I think tak sampai one week dah habis kot.....dangerous ):
wah mesti dah banyak simpanan tu... bila nak blanja aunty rasp nie! :D
rasp, simpan kejap jer sis, nanti belanja nyer terover :)
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