Thursday, November 6, 2008



Alya and Krisna can only pray that both Reva and the baby will survive...

Reva was struggling with her life, Dr Diya went out to meet Alya and Krisna to update them on Reva conditions.........

Krisna, "bagaimana anak ku" doc

Alya, "bagaimana Reva Diya"

Dr Diya told them about Reva conditions and what she need now is encouragement from Alya and Krisna........when they were in the labour room, Krisna whispered to Reva, "Reva sesugguhnya aku jugak mencintai mu sayang, kamu harus tabah demi anak kita"...........Alya could not controlled her sadness and ran out of the room.

Alya was shocked with what she heard from Krisna mouth, but she has to be strong, right now Reva need him by her side............ "ya allah, mungkin kah aku akan kehilangan cinta mas Krisna hanya kerana zuriat yg kami inginkan"

Krisna found Alya crying and he told her to be strong, caused their baby will be okay.....but the real truth he didnt know that Alya was scared to loose his love....

Reva gave birth to a healthy baby boy, which she readily will give to Alya and krisna, in accordance to their agreement, until she finds out that she's unable to conceive again...

Krisna mum was told about the good news and she was told Reva son died after delivery.

Reva went to the nursery, to look at his son...........the nurse forbid her to go in walaupun she merayu to feed her son.

The next day, Krisna ran to Alya room to let her know that the baby was missing....he was not at the nursery.........Alya told Krisna, she might know where the baby is....and she was right....Reva had taken the baby from the nursery.

Reva forbid Alya n Krisna from taking the baby and now she is not willing to give away her baby..

"aku tidak akan memberikan anak ku kepada kalian, aku akan menjaga nya, kalian memang orang yg berada, bisa membeli ape yg kalian mahukan termasuk anak ini, apakah dengan duit yg kalian berikan kepada aku, aku harus meminta kepada wanita lain jugak untuk memberikan aku zuriat"

Alya was deeply hurt with what Reva had said and shocked with her decision. At the same time, Krisna was very angry with Reva and had accused her for not keeping her words.

Krisna wants Alya to persuade Reva again, but Alya dont want to do it, she thinks that what Reva had said was the truth and she wants to leave everything to god.

"aku sudah capek mas, aku sudah capek untuk memutuskan segalanya, biarlah Allah saja yg memutuskan nya"

"Alya, I did all this not because I love Reva, I did all this because of u Alya, because of my love to u who wanted us to have a child, and I will fight what is rightfully mine to"

They went in again to try and persuade Reva, but Reva is still with her decision to keep the baby.

Alya gave up all hope and told Krisna that she will tell the truth to her MIL, she has no choiced after what Reva had decided.

Krisna mom came to the hospital to visit Alya n the baby, when Alya was about to tell her MIL, Reva came in to her room with the baby.........."mereka sudah tidak sabar lagi bu untuk pulang"

Krisna and Alya were surprised that Reva changed her mind again, they visited her in her room, Alya handed the baby to Reva, "kamu berhak mbak untuk mengambil bayi ini, dan bayi ini jugak beruntung mendapat ibu yg sungguh baik seperti mbak"

"walau ape pun Reva, aku akan tetap berdoa agar bayi ini besar kelak akan berhati mulia seperti kamu ibunya"

Both Alya and Reva will be discharge from the hospital, but Krisna mother forbid Reva to come along caused she is scared that Reva will think that the baby is hers and she will kidnap the baby.....Krisna tried to convince his mum to let Reva to stay with them after what she had been through......she agreed at last but to leave once she feels better.

At home Reva felt so sad and shattered looking at how close Alya, Krisna and her baby. Krisna mom was unhappy when Reva wants to name the baby, according to her she has no right to do it....Reva felt so hurt and she decided to leave the house ASAP.

Krisna dont want Reva to leave the house, "kamu masih isteri saya Reva, saya tidak akan membiarkan kamu meninggalkan rumah ini"

She begged him to divorce her, to make things easy for her so she could leave the house with her sister once she is able to walk again.

"baik lah kalau itu yg kamu mahukan, kamu jaga diri kamu baik-baik, seperti aku akan menjaga anak kite dengan baik"

That night the baby was crying non-stop, Reva ran to the baby room and saw Alya was holding him but still crying............"mungkin dia lapar mbak" she took the baby from Alya, went to her room to feed him (breastfeed)....

Krisna mother saw Reva with the baby in her room.........she was shocked.........TO BE CONTINUE.....


Erinsza said...

part ending tu sedihnyer sis,

teraru I sekejap.

Erinsza said...

terharu sekejap. ;)

Moralle said...

erinsza, akak rasa if u watch it lagi nangis kot, like me over terharu...........

rasp said...

sib baik baca je..if i watch mesti dah sob sob..

Lily Satrina ® said...

► "Alya, I did all this not because I love Reva, I did all this because of u Alya, because of my love to u who wanted us to have a child, and I will fight what is rightfully mine to".....

► i oso want a husband like this (if i werent married lah..hihihihi) what i have now is more than what i want..i am grateful..for both, husband and the baby..

► sis moralle, they speak in english as well?

Moralle said...

tya, bersyukur lah kan dengan aper yg kite ader, u n yr cute lily, geram kan

haha tak lah dear, i jer yg phrase it back in English, saja jer, kot kot ader mat salleh dok baca my blog ni singlish gitew :)