Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I was tag by Rasp last week, had promised her will do it this week, so Rasp here it goes dear, akceli banyak sungguh yg pertama tapi cukup lah yg 5 ni je, nanti over lah pulak kan kalau bikin berlebihan :)

Syarat wajib dipatuhi:

Bukan cerita rekaan dan tiada kena mengena dengan hidup orang lain. Perlu mengetag 5 lagi rakan blogger pilihan anda setelah anda di tag.

1) Pertama kali .............. melahirkan anak sulung I, Yana, maklumlah setelah bertahun lamanye berumahtangga baru lah mendapat cahaya mata yg pertama, sungguh terharu, when she was delivered, she was so adorable, n hubby at that point of time so terharu sehingga melilihkan air mata kelakiannye, hehehe. Anugerah tuhan yg paling berharga buat kami pada ketika dan saat itu.

2) Pertama kali ............... we had our own place, after married I duk MIL house. We bought a 4 rm flat and can still remembered and still freshed in my mind, when we shifted, in the house was empty ok, kesian kan, we only had our bedroom furniture and the pinggan mangkuk sedikit sahaja. When we talked, its like we are talking inside a gua sey. The house was fulled with furnitures after we had shifted for few months, that is the most memorable moments where me an hubby had struggle through untuk jadikan mahligai kami mahligai yg sempurna.

3) Pertama kali .................. when I had my driving licence. Its in 1997. Hubby is so supportive throughout, he send me to and fro to the driving centre with my 2 kids. Every lessons they will be at the centre waiting for me until I finished my lesson. And I can still remember hubby says to me on the day I m taking my TP test, "I dont think u can pass lah Ibu, ayah tak de confident", but I know its actually his way of telling me, I will sure pass, saja je tak nak puji-puji I gitu kan. And when I passed on that day, senyum Lebar member, cause he know I will pass, belakang tabir dia lah yg jadi instructor I, hehehe.

4) Pertama kali ........... of course bila hubby bought for me car, its our first car, Honda Civic. Walaupun my work place tak berapa jauh from home, he still bought me a car for convinient sake. Apelagi mak sokaaaaaaa lah, bergaya sakan go to work with keta baru. And pertama kali jugak lah when I m separated from my 1st car to change to our 2nd car, I nangis macam nak rak, over kan, but keta Honda tu banyak berjasa to me okeyyyyyyy, sekejap je lah kesedihan I, I got a new car from Hubby, our 2nd car, Mitsubishi Lancer. Mak happy semula :)

5) Pertama kali ............ I m interrogated at the police station, believe or not, its the truth nothing but the truth. I nearly masuk jail, adoiiiiiiiiii lucky ade my brother in-law, if not merengkuk jugak mak kat jail for few days kot. The jail issue is because of my maid lah, to cut the story short , she ran away ikut Bangla , than on the day I was supposed to pay bank her $5000, she came back. We brought her to police station to make a report caused she said the Bangla raped her. Dalam sesi interrogation between her n the police, she mentioned to the police pulak that I ill treat her at home and that is why she ran away. Kurang ajar kan pompuan satu ni, well ape lagi I pulak kenek interrogation lah. After all the soal siasat, the issues are all settled, and she was repatriated back to Indonesia, balik kampung lah kau pompuan. That is the last I pakai maid, rasa serikkkkk betul.

K Rasp, mission I dah accomplished, now I hv to tag 5 bloggers, sape I nak tag eh????????

  1. Shopper mama
  2. Nemo
  3. blushwax
  4. Todtedned
  5. Ceera


Ceera said...

Mitsubishi Lancer??????????????????? saya tingin giler nak naik keta tu, uwaaaaaaaa.. nanti kalau saya dah sampai singapore, sila bawak saya jalan2 dengan keta itu ok.. hehehe...

Moralle said...

Yang, 2nd car Mitsubishi, 3rd Toyota Altis, yg skarang ni back to Mitsubishi Lancer. Tak de hal lah kalau nak bawak cik adik sorang ni round-round, tapi bila lah tu agaknye kan????????

rasp said...

thanz dear buat the tag.

tak ku sangka kawanku ini 'wanted' by the police hehehehehe.. hampeih nye maid.. good for you that she kena antar blk Indon.

Moralle said...

Hahaha, Rasp, thats the best I ever heard, 'wanted' for ill treating a maid. Nak kata tak pernah ill treat tak lah jugak, cuma sikit je kot, maid tu yg lebih-lebih. Lagipun when I had her I m pregnant with my 3rd one, so maklumlah, pembawakan baby, tapi she over sangat when she reported it.

Shopaholic Mama said...

Ok I will do it when I free tapi I copy you punya idea sikit, bolehlah eh??

Moralle said...

Mama, ok lah, I pun sama gak, tapi yg ternyata its the truth peeeeeee.