Since boss yg bad mood today is out for a meeting & be back later, I pun cari kesempatan to update my activities. Photos banyak betul I snap, but I will just load a few je, terlalu banyak , malas pulak, random pick sahaja.
Saturday : Me with frens at Batam
The trip to Batam was great, we have funs. The spa, urut-urutan, hair treatment was superb. But the sad thing, less shopping done. Not much time to do shopping cause the time spend at Mustika Ratu was almost 1/2 days. I only managed to buy J CO donuts which was really cheap there and some keropok from Batam. But I was happy thou, my trip to Batam was to do the spa & urut, so I achieved my task, and I dont mind if dont really have the time to do shopping. We will be going there again for sure. My body now felt really out of stress, the best ever urut and body treatment I had ever had.

Posing & having breakfast while waiting for ferry at 8.45am

In the ferry to Batam
First stop, Mustika Ratu for the Spa, Urut & Hair treatment

I think this is at Nagoya, to stop for our late lunch

Inside ferry on the way back to Singapore, me with my J CO donuts

My frens posing with the goodies they bought, N myself, nampak tak segar bugar selepas spa & urut, or nampak penat je kot muka, its tiring actually, with the hot weather.
I reached Singapore at 9pm, hubby & kids fetched me at Harbourfront, they to hv great time without the mummy, daddy belanja makan at Swensen and jalan-jalan at VIVO city.
The almost gone J CO donuts my kids, hubby & myself santap when we reached home
Sunday : With Family
Hubby work on Sunday, but we have plans in the late afternoon. Before hubby comes back, I went to a wedding invitation with my sis, its our old kampung people. We met lots and lots of orang-orang kampung yg dah lama tak jumpa sejak kita pindah. Its fun, ade yg dah tua, yg my age suma dah beranak penak, dah lama tak berjumpa, bila jumpa banyak sungguh perubahan nye.
At 4.15 hubby came back and we went swimming. Since Woodlands swimming complex had completed the major renovation on the pools, baru sekarang we went. Normally we went to JW or CCK swimming complex. Oh I janji with my fren to meet at the complex. We spend about 2hrs there but to the kids tu pun tak cukup, especially Aqil, dah naik kecut tangan & kaki pun masih tak cukup lagi. I promised the kids to bring them to Changi beach at night and my fren wants to tag along.
While waiting for my fren to arrive, the kids dah berdebush first
At 8pm my fren met me at my block and we went to Changi Beach. On the way we bought Nasi lemak, mee goreng, teh tarik to makan-makan there. Its very crowded, as usual it will be very crowded during the holiday, banyak family yg overnight kat situ. Quite difficult to find parking at last hubby decided to park illegally, anyway banyak jugak yg park illegally there, so kite pun ikut-ikut, mudah-mudahan tak kenek saman.

My fren 4 kids, The powerpuff girls
Loving couple, pantang suruh posing, cik abang senyum lebar :)

Hmmmm, di malam hari makan nasi lemak, drink birds nest, syokkkkk
Alamak, oopppppppps, tak censored lah pulak laki aku tu.......
Duduk makan-makan, borak-borak, Aqil so happy watching the aeroplanes yg nak landing, kebetulan the spot yg kite duduk is where the aeroplane suma nak land, so its very-very near, terjerit-jerit bujang kecik, happy sangat. We left Changi airport at about 11.30 when the kids and bapak budak suma dah nampak layu je, Cuma mak nye aje yg still looking hyper, tak tau penat.
Posed from 2 mummies before we chow
Monday : Vesak Day & Rancangan yg tergendala
I hv planned with hubby to bring the kids to watch movie, Ayat-Ayat Cinta, my sis had already watched the movie with her children, so she advised that I should bring my two girls to watch it. Its a good movie, love story between a Christian and Muslim and story about young love.
But my plan tergendala, when I woke up in the morning I received sms from my SIL, my brother is critically ill at NUH hospital. My sis from JB pun sms, she is coming in to visit my brother, so I will hv to wait for her before I go, we are going together.
Sis reached my place at 1.30pm, she had lunch at my place and we janji with my other sister to go together.
At 4pm my sis fetch us from my block to go to NUH. I terpaksa lah apologized to the girls cause tak dapat watch movie with them, and they also tak follow me to NUH. They will understand it for sure, I tak sangka lain yg di plan lain yg berlaku.
Me & my sis from JB, 2nd big sister, she looks more like arwah my mother

At NUH while waiting for my BIL & hubby to park the car & smoking
When we reached NUH, all my brother kids are there, and my brother was in a very bad conditions. He's on oxygen, cant really talk properly. I broke into tears, I was very very sad at that time looking at his conditions. This is my elder brother, even thou he is a person who is very unreasonable at times, but I do still love him. My brother is a diabetic, one of his leg had been amputated, he's almost blind, and now his 2 kidneys are not functioning. Due to this, he can't pass urine and his leg and his private parts are blotted. Seeing him like that I really cant imagine how he's suffering. Dia dah meracau yg bukan-bukan, dont want to stay at the hospital, he wants to go home. But the doctor wont allow it, they need to do further investigations to know the cause first before they can decide what to do with him.
Me and my sis pun pujuk lah dia to sabar and beristigfar banyak-banyak. Memang he is suffering right now but kite mesti nak redha dengan ape yg telah di berikan pada kite. We are there for few hrs before we left.
Mudah-mudahan my brother will recover soon walaupun dengan keadaan yg tak berape sempurna, dan kami adik-beradik, isteri dan anak-anaknye redha dengan ape yg akan berlaku padanye. Tak sanggup rasanye melihat my brother sengsara seperti ini, "Ya allah ya tuhanku, kau berikan lah yg terbaik untuk abang kami ya allah, dah kau kasihani lah dirinye ya allah, ampunilah segala dosa-dosanye, kami redha ya allah, permudah kan lah perjalanan nye ya allah walaupun dengan ape cara sekalipun yg engkau kehendaki, AMINNNNNNN"