Today baru nampak matahari sikit, mudah-mudahan hari ni tak lah hujan, biar lah terang sikit, kering baju kat rumah tu.
Menghayati matahari yg telah lama tak kelihatan
Inside the box ade six, I dah sebat 2 pcs, sedappppp
I bought this mango from Jerk Thai at Civic Centre on the way back to office, sedappppp manis banget
The rest of the day very bz, banyak yg masih pending, which I dont think I leh abis kan pon, so buat je lah yg mana termampu. I went out a while to do some errands, by the time I came back its already 3pm. Continue lah sampai about 6+ baru I left office.
Muka yg boring dan penat after work, clock kat keta is to proof yg I ni sangat lah rajin bekerja, very the pekerja contoh, wakakakaka
Reached home pun I very bz with house work, macam tak abis kan kerja-kerja ni suma. From office to home, ohhhhhhhh alangkah bestnye if I hv a maid again ): but tak mungkin, tak mungkin, my kids suma dah besor, waste money je to bayar maid, tak pe lah, biarlah I jadi isteri dan ibu misali :)
After cooking, washing, solat, time for me to relaxs lah while waiting for my nephew to come from JB. He wants to collect his 2nd hand laptop yg he bought from my fren. Ade niat nak bukak bz katanya, insyaallah mudah-mudahan, segala impian nya akan tercapai. He came about 9pm, jam jugak nak masuk Singapore, tapi masih bergerak lah jugak, nanti balik to Johor yg teruk dia nak tempuh. He left my place about 10.15. After he left, I pun ape lagi, terus duk depan computer dok type ni suma.
Sunyi pulak rumah ni rasanye, the 2 girls dah masuk tidur, Aqil pulak merayap follow Abi, hubby pulak belum return from work. Sometimes if Aqil is around, dia yg temankan ibunye duk depan PC ni sambil he play his PSP. Selagi I tak abis, dia pun selagi tu lah tak sleep.
I'm sooooooooo shag today, my eyes pun dah sleepy sangat, but I tak leh nak tidur lagi, bujang kecik lum balik lagi, mana si Aqil ni, lambat betul balik, dah malam pun masih merayap lagi,hmmmmmm, terpaksalah I tunggu Aqil balik than I can sleep.
Cant wait for tomorrow, my new washing machine and my new ????????????? will be delivered tomorrow. Nanti I will pose pic of the new machine and the ????????????????.
For now gd nite n sweeeeeeeet dreamssssssss to sapa-sapa lah yg menjenguk my blog ni.
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