Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Its time to meet Ceera and her frens, actually berdebar gak, maklumlah, we have never met before, we got to know each other from Internet. Walupun she is younger than me, I macam terkedu jugak, rasa macam semacam, dont know why. So at about 6.15 she sms me, "kak, Ira dah kat Lobby", "ok I turun now". Dalam lift debaran tak abis lagi, bukan nye ape, just wonder how will both of us react when we c each other nanti. I saw her sitting with her frens kat Lobby, terus approach her, she also bangun and terus approach me, we salam n hug each other, suddenly feeling dan debaran tadi hilang gitu je, macam dah lama kenal pulak I rasa, because she is so approaching. Then I bersalam with her frens, one of them I know, in fact both pun i dah penah c kat Ceera blog, Linda her best fren ever and also Nemo. We salam and hugs each other. Duduk berdepan ngan 3 dara sunti, hehehe, terasa lah pulak macam dah tua gitu, ape ke taknye, they look so young, macam adik-adik I gitu. We bual kejap kat lobby than proceed to Pavillion, Nemo nak makan donut, so we all pegi JC donut kat Pavillion, bagus lah jugak, I pun belum sempat nak ke Pavillion lagi. Sambil jalan, sambil si Nemo sibuk snap our photos, rasa macam dah kenal lama ngan they all. Ramai betul orang beratur to buy the donut, so sambil tunggu tu sambil-sambil lah kite bergambar mesra.

Ceera & Nemo
Nemo, Ceera and Linda Macam kawan lama tak, padahal baru je meet

Than I ajak the gals to lepak-lepak kat at Starbuck, depan Hotel Millenium je, so easy nanti I nak meet my family. I ordered, hazelnut choc for Ceera, caramel Choc for Linda, Ice Blended choc for Nemo and Coffee Mocha for myself.

We talked about so many things, about work, our hometown, politics, byfren and macam-macam lah lagi topik-topik yang hangat yg we enjoyed listening to it and talking about it.

Nemo lagi menghayati donut nye, sedapppppppp

Macam berjanji me and Ceera

Cute kan yg sorang ni, manja sangat

Berposing ngan yg manis ni sorang

4 of us together, bloggers from Malaysia and Singapore

Rasa macam tak puas jumpa adik-adik I ni suma, adelah about 2hrs kite dapat jumpa gitu, tapi ia-nye sungguh so memorable tau.

Overall, what is my opinion about the gals???????? Ceera, she is so joyful, cheerful and happy go lucky kind of person, Linda, she is sweet, lady like and suka beri senyuman yg manis, than this Nemo, she is so bubbly, cheerful and sangat cute jugak, overall I suka them and love them.
Our meeting ended when hubby and the kids came down to have dinner with me, side by side with Starbucks, at Kenny Rogers, the gals met with my hubby and the kids, we parted at about 820pm gitu.
Insyaallah kalau ade kesempatan, I will meet them again, I also want to meet other bloggers like my adik EJ and also Applepie, gals, hopefully some days we will meet ya.


Aien cute said...

Erm.. suka sangat jumpa ngan kak morella. Pasni nak pujuk ceera kita wat pasport cepat2.

Nanti bila kami g sana, jangan lupa tau janji kak morella, masak sedap2 untuk kami tau!

Ahaks~ sayang kak morella

Ceera said...

saya pun suka sangat2 jumpa akak tau, antara yang best la saya jumpa selain ej and nemo... hiks...

takpe, walaupun kita jauh.. itu la yang istimewa gitu, hehehe...

oit linda, nanti aku wat la passport... hehehe...

eh lupa... saya pun berdebar ok nak jumpa akak... sebab tu bawak teman, kasik cover... =D

Moralle said...

Linda, Ceera, no problem, akak tunggu je u all ke sini mai k, Ceera cepat-cepat wat passport ye laling, Love u all

Anonymous said...

rindu kat akk.. muahhhxxx...

best kn time ni,lepak dan ngumpt itu ini,manis tul..hahaahha

pearl'E.J said...

waaaa... EJ gak yg takder dlm gambar.. iraaaaaaaaaaa cepat2 buat passport... jom pi singapore!!! :D

Moralle said...

Hi Nemo, akak pun rindu kat u all, bila agaknye kite jumpa lagi kan, cepat-cepat datang Singapore lah

Moralle said...

EJ, lum ade rezki kot kite nak berjumpa, so u buat janji ngan the gals n come to Singapore k,